Keepassxc browser plugin
Keepassxc browser plugin

As for my phone I configured the Keepass2Android to be always closed and I authenticate with biometrics every time I log in. I also downloaded a plugin to log into KeePass with Windows Hello, so that makes it more convenient for me to log in. I find it a bit complicated to use still, I was very used to the simplicity of Dashlane, but I guess you have to make some tradeoffs if you want te be as safe as possible. I currently installed KeePass tusk, but I will try the plugin you suggested as well. I am trying out KeePass because someone recommended that to me on a bitcoin subreddit, and I started to research it and it is almost always on the top. I would like to have as much security as I can for my crypto related accounts as that's what's most important at the end of the day when working with crypto. In normal case this means mouse click to the username input field which triggers the autocomplete menu. And after that user action is still needed.

keepassxc browser plugin keepassxc browser plugin

Well, I am starting to get involved into trading and trading cryptocurrencies. Credential retrieving from KeePassXC automatically is enabled though, but you still need to have a verification that the current site has a permission to retrieve any credentials. Is there a particular reason why you want to switch to KeePass? What made you want to switch?

Keepassxc browser plugin