Office 2003 service pack 4
Office 2003 service pack 4

office 2003 service pack 4 office 2003 service pack 4

If you see “SP2,” “SP3,” etc., then you have the service pack installed.

  • Select About Microsoft Office Excel (or Word etc.).
  • Under Resources will be a section about Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (or Word etc.) The full version will be listed (e.g.
  • Go to Excel Options (or the equivalent for the application you’re using, such as Word Options).
  • If you see “SP1,” then you have service pack one installed. Microsoft Excel 2010 (.1000) followed by an MSO number.
  • In the About window, you should see the full version (e.g.
  • On the right-hand side, under Version, there should be a link to Additional Version and Copyright Information.
  • office 2003 service pack 4

    Open an Office application, such as Excel or Word.So here you go, a rehash of how to tell what service pack is installed in Office 2010, along with 20! Office 2010 The software installer includes 6 files and is usually about 2 MB (2,093,753 bytes). There were some really complicated instructions by Microsoft for determining if SP1 had been installed, but then I stumbled across Chris Heacock’s ( post on Verifying 2010 SP1 installations, which saved me so much time. The version under Program and Features hadn’t changed. A few days ago, I installed the Office 2010 Service Pack 1 and to my dismay, I couldn’t actually tell if it had installed.

    Office 2003 service pack 4